Governor’s Jobs Bill will further strengthen Minnesota’s economy

Apr 7 2015

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton released his proposed jobs and infrastructure bill. The proposal would build and improve public infrastructure like MnSCU and U of M classrooms and buildings, roads, parks, and other projects throughout the state while creating nearly 24,000 new jobs in the process. Minnesota AFL-CIO President Shar Knutson issued the following statement:

“With his jobs proposal, Governor Dayton recognizes that Minnesota’s recent economic gains are no excuse for complacency. While most Minnesotans are working again, many of those jobs don’t pay living wages or offer benefits. Public investment in infrastructure is a proven way to create truly family sustaining jobs.

The Governor’s plan also recognizes the need for jobs and infrastructure improvements in Greater Minnesota, with a larger percentage of the proposed projects located outside the Twin Cities. Given their campaign promise to focus on Greater Minnesota, House Republicans should reconsider their opposition to a jobs bill this year.

With today’s jobs bill proposal and his previously announced comprehensive transportation plan, Governor Dayton has laid out a path to improving infrastructure and creating tens of thousands of good jobs throughout Minnesota.”

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