Labor condemns Capitol insurrection, calls on complicit Minnesota Republicans to resign

Jan 12 2021

The Executive Board of the Minnesota AFL-CIO unanimously passed a resolution today calling for the resignations or Congressional censure of Representatives Jim Hagedorn (CD 1), Tom Emmer (CD6), Michele Fischbach (CD-7), and Pete Stauber (CD-8) for their complicity in President Trump’s encouragement of last week’s US Capitol attack, his dangerous attempts to subvert democracy, subvert the 2020 elections, and repeated attempt to disenfranchise millions of voters. The State Labor Federation also called for the recall of any Minnesota State Legislator in attendance at the "Storm the Capitol" rally in St. Paul who does not denounce both their attendance and the rally itself.

“Wednesday’s deadly attack on the US Capitol by armed, white supremacist vigilantes was an attack on the soul of our Democracy encouraged by Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican Party,” said Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy. “Those who perpetrated this violence and those complicit in encouraging it need to be held accountable for their words and actions.”

The Minnesota AFL-CIO’s resolution calls for all levels of government to bring the perpetrators of white supremacist terrorism to justice and increase vigilance to safeguard our democracy from this growing threat. It additionally demands investigations into the racial prejudice law enforcement continues to demonstrate during protests for racial and economic justice, while failing to stop armed, white vigilantes from attacking our elected government.

Tuesday’s resolution also affirmed the National AFL-CIO’s statement condemning last week’s attack on the US Capitol and calling for President Donald Trump’s immediate removal from office.

Full Resolution Text

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