Minnesota AFL-CIO 2020 Legislative Priorities

Feb 11 2020
The Minnesota AFL-CIO represents the shared voice, values, and priorities of our state’s Labor Movement. We believe that no matter where we come from, what we look like, or how we pray; all working people deserve the dignity of a safe job with family sustaining wages; the security of affordable healthcare; and the freedom to care for ourselves and our loved ones without facing hardship. These are the values our Labor Movement strives for – not just for union members, but for all working people. Our key priorities for the 2020 Legislative Session reflect these values.

Jobs & Projects Investment

Local communities & public institutions have identified more than $5 billion in needed construction projects throughout the state. We can create tens of thousands of family sustaining jobs by making a significant investment in our public infrastructure.

Paid Family & Medical Leave

Most working people don’t have the freedom to take paid leave to care for themselves or their families. That’s why we’re co-chairing the Minnesotans for Paid Family & Medical Leave Coalition. Our legislation would provide partial wage replacement for up to 12 weeks of leave and be funded by a small premium split between employers & employees - less than $2 per week.

Tax Fairness

Progressive taxation, smart budgeting, and wise investments continues to keep Minnesota on strong fiscal ground. Despite regular budget surpluses, lawmakers should resist any attempts to cut taxes for big corporations and the wealthy few. Instead Legislators should consider rolling back the irresponsible corporate tax giveaways in last year’s federal tax conformity legislation.

Affordable Healthcare

All working people deserve the dignity of affordable healthcare for themselves & their families. We support policies that will extend affordable and accessible healthcare options such as making MinnesotaCare a public insurance option on MNSure & holding pharma and insurance companies accountable for exorbitant prescription drug costs.

Raise Labor Standards

In Minnesota, we believe in a level playing field & that everyone should earn a fair return on their work. However, some of our labor standards don’t reflect our values. It’s time to raise standards for all workers by ensuring the 40-hour work week applies to every worker; stopping employers from fraudulently classifying employees as independent contractors; and, protecting Minnesota’s gold standard OSHA program by conforming to federal penalties.

Freedom to Drive

There are approximately 95,000 Minnesotans without a pathway to citizenship. That means these community members do not have access to driver’s licenses in the state. By extending the opportunity to earn a driver’s license to all Minnesotans regardless of immigration status, we can improve public safety for everyone, grow economic prosperity, and promote community building for all.
Download the 2020 Priorities Flyer

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