Minnesota AFL-CIO launches largest digital ad buy & member engagement program in state federation history

Sep 11 2020

The Minnesota AFL-CIO, the state federation of more than 1,000 local unions who represent more than 300,000 working people, announced a $400,000 statewide digital ad buy to encourage union members to support Labor-endorsed candidates.

The video and banner advertisements began running last Friday on social media platforms, websites, and streaming video services. The ads are directly targeted to households with likely union member voters and will run until the polls close on November 3.

The videos feature members from a cross-section of Minnesota unions speaking about their union values and why voting for the Labor-endorsed slate of candidates led by Vice President Joe Biden is an expression of those values.

“Union members in communities across Minnesota are about to begin voting in one of the most consequential elections in our state and nation’s history,” said Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy. “Our goal with these ads is to cut through the online noise and disinformation so union members learn about the issues and the candidates from their fellow workers.”

The Minnesota AFL-CIO’s ad buy complements the federation’s broad member to member voter outreach, worksite organizing, and member engagement programs. Through election day, union volunteers will be making more than half a million calls. The Worksite/Member Engagement program has been training and mobilizing hundreds of member activists to have 1 on 1 conversations with their coworkers. Minnesota Union members will also receive more than 600,000 pieces of mail, including a sample ballot highlighting Labor-endorsed candidates.

“While COVID-19 has changed some of our outreach tactics, it has not changed our resolve to deliver the union vote for our endorsed candidates up and down the ballot,” McCarthy added. “We are ready to help build a more just and equitable Minnesota that puts workers first.”

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