Minnesota AFL-CIO makes additional 2022 Congressional & Legislative endorsements

Jul 20 2022

The Minnesota AFL-CIO General Board endorsed Congressman Dean Phillips and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for reelection, State Representative Jen Schultz for the 8th Congressional District, and 11 additional candidates for the Minnesota House and Senate today.

“Candidates the Minnesota AFL-CIO endorses can be counted on to fight for working people and a fair economy,” said Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bernie Burnham. “Our endorsements represent the collective voice of more than 300,000 union members who work in healthcare, construction, education, manufacturing, state and local government, hospitality, and many more sectors across our state.”

Legislative candidates seeking Minnesota AFL-CIO endorsement must agree to support collective bargaining rights, employer neutrality during organizing campaigns, Project Labor Agreements, creating family-sustaining jobs, and opposing anti-worker legislation including so-called “Right to Work” bills.

“Corporate CEOs and their allies are funneling millions of dollars into Minnesota to elect candidates like Scott Jensen, who will take Minnesota backwards by defunding our schools and the public services working Minnesotans rely on.” Burnham added. “However, union volunteers are gearing up to speak with fellow members in their communities about the importance of supporting our Labor Endorsed candidates this fall.”

In addition to the Congressional endorsements, the following candidates have been endorsed for Minnesota House and Senate:



02a Reed Olson

04a Heather Keeler

04b John Hest

34a Brian Raines



02 Alan Roy

04 Robert Kupec

25 Liz Boldon

35 Kari Rehrauer

38 Huldah Hiltsey

45 Kelly Morrison

50 Alice Mann


The Minnesota AFL-CIO endorsed Governor Walz and statewide constitutional officers in March and made the bulk of its legislative endorsements in June. Additional endorsements are expected following the August 9th primary election

A full list of endorsements is available here.

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