Preparation Begins for 2020 Elections!

Aug 8 2019

As we move closer to the 2020 elections it will be of utmost importance to be prepared for the battle of our lives with the forces of greed, racism, division and authoritarianism! Believe me those forces are poised to take over our republic and continue the destruction of America, particularly the security we have worked so hard to build and nurture over our lifetime.  We must speak with one voice or we will be nothing but fodder for their onslaught!

We have a good start on preparedness with the work done in the Labor 2018 campaign. Retirees made over thirty percent of the contacts with our fellow brothers and sisters! That was organized through our affiliates and the tireless work of our Election Work Coordinator, Carol Freeman! We need to make that effort and more in the 2020 Elections!

As you may remember we changed the Bylaws of the Retiree Council to hold Conventions in the same year as the Minnesota AFL-CIO and a Conference and Board Member Election in the years when there is no Convention scheduled. This year is our 1st Annual Conference and Board Member Election scheduled for Wednesday, September 25, 2019, at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 10 Hall in Maplewood, MN. We will use that venue to further our preparedness for 2020.

Many changes will take place in the process leading up to Election Day, November 3, 2020. We now have a Presidential Primary on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, with early voting beginning January 17, 2020. Here's a link to the Secretary of State’s Presidential Primary info page:

Precinct caucuses will still be conducted by the state’s political parties on Tuesday, February 25, 2019. Delegate strength for presidential candidates at the respective nominating conventions will be determined by the Presidential Primary results. Here’s a link to information on those caucuses

The afternoon of our September Conference will update attendees on the election changes and Labor 2020. The morning of the Conference will feature issues important to us as retirees and citizens.  Presentation and discussion on Social Security, Census 2020, and Health Care and Cost will be on the agenda. Your participation is critical to success on November 3, 2020.

Last, but surely not least, is the Board Member and Officer Election that will take place at 2:00 PM following the close of the Conference. All affiliates are urged to send a full compliment of delegates to this important election. Officers and Board Members are elected to serve a two-year term.

Hope to see you on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Your participation is what makes the Retiree Council work! Have a wonderful end of Summer/early Fall.  As part of that summer’s end, be sure to stop by the Labor Pavilion on Senior Days at the Minnesota State Fair.  See you there!

 In Solidarity,

 Ken McInnis, President

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