Statement on the February 2023 state budget forecast

Feb 27 2023

Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bernie Burnham made the following statement on today’s state budget forecast:

“With an unprecedented $17.5 billion in unallocated budget dollars, state government has an even larger opportunity to give every working Minnesotan in every corner of our state a hand up. From establishing a universal paid family & medical leave program, passing a job creating infrastructure bill, fully funding our schools and other key public investments & services, and more; lawmakers should continue their historic work this legislative session with a budget that puts working Minnesotans first.

“This historic budget forecast is continued proof that a fair tax system, where the wealthiest and big corporations pay their fair share, creates the resources we need to continue building a more just and fair state for everyone, no matter our race, religion, or zip code. Lawmakers should resist the calls from big corporate interests to slow down or irresponsibly cut taxes for the rich. 

“These past two months have shown Minnesotans and the rest of the country what a functioning democracy looks like. We encourage lawmakers and Governor Walz to continue their work of responding to Minnesotans’ needs.”

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