Statement on State Minimum Wage Increase

Apr 10 2014

Minnesota AFL-CIO President Shar Knutson issued the following statement after the Legislature sent a $9.50, inflation indexed, minimum wage bill to Governor Dayton’s desk:

“It’s a great week for all Minnesotans, but especially the 357,000 working Minnesotans who make less than $9.50 per hour.

This legislation ensures that Minnesota’s minimum wage catches up to $9.50 per hour and will keep up with the cost of living.

The Minnesota AFL-CIO and our affiliated unions are proud to be counted among the more than 70 diverse community, faith, labor, non-profit and service-based organizations that make up the Raise the Wage Coalition. While the vast majority of Minnesota’s union workforce makes well above the minimum wage, the Labor movement is committed to improving the lives of all working people.

We commend the bill authors, Senators Chris Eaton, Jeff Hayden, and Representative Ryan Winkler, along with Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk and House Speaker Paul Thissen for their efforts in passing this historic legislation.

We look forward to seeing Governor Mark Dayton’s signature on this bill as he and the DFL majorities in the Legislature continue to build a better Minnesota.”

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