Walz providing decisive leadership & delivering for working Minnesotans in a time of crisis

Apr 5 2020

Responding to Governor Tim Walz’s State of the State address, Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy made the following statement:

“In a time of crisis and uncertainty, Governor Tim Walz is showing the swift and decisive leadership that Minnesotans need right now.

“Since declaring a state emergency three weeks ago, Governor Walz has moved quickly to support frontline worker safety and provide much-needed economic security to Minnesotans who have been abruptly laid off or faced reduced work hours.

“In his State of the State message, Governor Walz didn’t sugar-coat the long road ahead, but made clear that Minnesotans will overcome COVID-19 the same way we have conquered adversity in the past – we join together as one Minnesota to protect our families, neighbors, and our co-workers.”

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